Is Your Liver
Making You Fat?

Leading New York City gut doctor Dr. Gina Sam M.D. has discovered a new way to heal the liver, melt stubborn belly fat, and skyrocket your energy, by reversing decades of liver damage.

It involves a newly discovered ‘Superbiotic’ missing from diabetics, cardiac patients, and the obese

A Healthy Liver Detoxifies The Body, Removes Cholesterol and Excess Sugar From The Blood, and Burns Body Fat

Your liver is under constant attack from environmental toxins, Tylenol and ibuprofen, prescription drugs, sugar, alcohol, and trans fats

Shed up to 7-15 pounds of visceral fat build-up that’s strangling and clogging your liver and internal organs.

Undo decades of damage from burgers... booze... and prescription drugs

Read below to discover Dr. Gina Sam’s 7-second Liver Cleansing Ritual

Meet Dr. Gina Sam:
NYC’s Leading Gut Doctor and Metabolic Health Expert

Hi there, I'm Dr. Gina Sam, M.D., and as the leading gut doctor in New York City, I’m here to talk about your liver.

Because as your primary fat-burning organ, it might be the reason why stubborn belly fat has become nearly impossible to lose.

When your liver is weak, no diet, exercise, or even fancy GLP-1 drugs like Ozempic or Zepbound will work for you.

Now, when the liver stops working at its full capacity, it stops clearing out cholesterol and excess blood sugar as well, causing muscle loss, fatigue, diabetes, obesity, swollen legs, ankles, and even cardiovascular disease.
I'm here to tell you why turning to quick fixes for weight loss, like extreme crash diets, or trendy new drugs are not the way to go. I’ve seen the side effects and they are frightening.

Surprising Signs Your Liver Might Be Overwhelmed

Believe me, this isn't a problem to ignore; because when your liver is overwhelmed, it affects nearly every part of your body, leading to issues like extremely hard-to-burn-off body fat, daytime fatigue, headaches, dark puffy bags under the eyes, and itchy skin, and even rosacea.

The worst part is, if this goes unaddressed, it causes toxic accumulation and damage to nearly every cell, organ, and tissue inside your body. Not to mention the mental and emotional drain on your well-being and confidence.

A healthy liver is an absolute powerhouse for metabolizing fat. But when it's overburdened with filtering out too many toxins, it can't do its job right. 

This explains why sudden weight gain can sometimes happen immediately after exposure to hazardous substances or high-stress events. 

When your body becomes too toxic, you’ll likely experience brain fog, muscle loss, dull taste or smell, ringing in the ears, allergies, food intolerances, excess body odor, mood swings, anxiety, depression, constipation, itchy skin, and even lack of focus and poor concentration.  

This One Factor Will Predict Obesity
Every Time

My journey started at Tufts University School of Medicine.  After getting my medical degree, I served as the director of the Mount Sinai Gastrointestinal Motility Center for several years.

After many late nights reviewing studies, I very quickly rose to the top of my field. Eventually, I founded The Institute of Gastrointestinal Motility Disorders and Integrative Health right here in NYC to help the most desperate patients.

My team was focused on helping people fix their digestion, gut microbiome, and metabolic disorders using the latest medical breakthroughs and procedures.

During that time, I observed a remarkable phenomenon.

In my over 20 years of clinical practice, I’ve observed over and over patients who stay thin without needing to exercise and can eat anything they want.

Yet, others seem to continue gaining weight, no matter what they try.

And guess what, it’s NOT simply genetics.

The difference is found in the liver.

The Secret “Fat Loss Discovery” That Changed Our Understanding
Of The Liver

When you see that 65-year-old guy who’s still in great shape with a six-pack, it means he’s got a healthy liver. 

This was the first of three major clues I discovered in my quest to identify and solve the root cause of obesity, fatigue, and metabolic dysfunction.

You see, until recently, the liver's effect on your metabolism has largely been a mystery.

However, in 2021, a major research breakthrough was published called “Newly Discovered Endocrine Functions of The Liver.”

"Endocrine" means it releases hormones that travel into the bloodstream and control what other cells and organs do. Its primary function is to control metabolism, making the liver your body's primary fat-dissolving organ.

In other words, if your liver is healthy, it’s a complete natural replacement for Ozempic.

In fact, this study was the first to make the connection between the liver and GLP-1.

That’s right. When healthy, your liver is more powerful, and safer, than Ozempic. In fact, this study was part of the initial research that led to Ozempic's development.

I’ll show you the science, but I promise to do my best to break it down into simple, easy-to-understand English.  

Once you fully detoxify your liver, you'll experience more energy, mental clarity and begin to feel amazing. Get ready to feel lighter, more vibrant, and truly in charge of your health.

3 Liver-Toxic Foods You Must Avoid

Promotes Hyperinflammation and Makes Your Liver Work Overtime

The first liver-toxic food is sugar. Think of your liver as a factory responsible for processing everything you eat and drink.

Now, when you flood your system with too much sugar, especially fructose, it's like throwing a wrench in the works. 

Your liver has to work overtime to deal with it, producing fats, uric acid, and free radicals. That’s right, when your liver processes sugar, it turns it into FAT.  

👉🏽 Eating too much sugar doesn't just mess with your liver, it also reduces the effectiveness of insulin.

This can lead to type 2 diabetes and dumps even more fat onto your liver's workload. And to top it all off, sugar creates inflammation, damaging liver cells, even further accelerating the damage.

In a minute, I’ll show you how you can supercharge your liver function so that you don’t have to give up sweets altogether.

One Step Away From Embalming Fluid

The next liver-toxic substance is one you probably already know about – alcohol.  When your liver breaks down alcohol, it creates nasty chemicals like acetaldehyde.

Guess what.  Acetaldehyde is one chemical bond away from formaldehyde – which is embalming fluid. Heavy drinkers are literally embalming themselves alive.

👉🏽 At this stage your liver not only begins to become clogged with fat, it loses its function leading to something called alcoholic fatty liver.

When this happens fat accumulation goes into overdrive and the belly starts to bulge and protrude, which we playfully call 'beer belly' but trust me, there's nothing playful about it. It's the result of swollen, inflamed intestines pushing out, intertwined with thick white visceral fat.  

Sinister Fats That Liquify Your Liver Cells

So, let's talk about trans fats, the kinds found in fried foods like french fries, donuts, in margarine, and shortening.

Trans fats are vegetable oils that have been processed using hydrogen gas and metals like aluminum, nickel or platinum which makes them solid at room temperature.

Trans fats also include oils that have been damaged by high heat, for example deep frying. 

👉🏽 Trans fats are one molecule away from plastic, and are linked to heart disease and cancer. Trans fats also destroy and liquefy your liver cells, causing liver enzymes to leak into the bloodstream. 

Understandably, this destroys your liver's function, causing an accumulation of fat in the bloodstream, which not only clogs arteries but also deposits fat all around the body.

So let's break it down and take a deeper look so that you understand precisely what happens inside the liver when you consume one of these three liver killers. 

This will also help you understand how the breakdown can be halted and why changing one simple thing in your morning ritual could reverse years or even decades of damage.

A Healthy Liver Is Your Body’s Fat-Burning Furnace…

The liver is responsible for about 500 critical functions, including filtering toxins out of the blood, producing bile to help digest fats, clearing cholesterol from the blood, and metabolizing excess blood sugar to create energy.

A healthy liver can easily metabolize fats and toxins, burning calories efficiently and giving you clean energy all day long.

A healthy liver should also produce a full liter of bile daily.

This yellow, brownish liquid is collected in small ducts and then passed on to the main bile duct, which carries the bile to a part of the small intestine to break down fat for use as energy.

That’s why good bile flow is critical for fighting belly fat.

Bile is actually what gives poop its dark brown color, and in fact, pale or light brown stools usually indicate a compromised liver.

How Environmental Toxins And These 3 Silent Killers Clog The Liver

When the liver is overburdened with the 3 liver killers - sugar, alcohol and trans fats, it begins to lose its ability to process the food you eat, and also stops dissolving fat and turning it into energy.

Understandably, this slows your body's natural detoxification process and leads to difficulty losing body fat and daytime fatigue.

Your gallbladder—a tiny but critical part of your liver—stores bile, which helps digest fats in the small intestine. 

👉🏽 Once toxins overwhelm your liver, the bile becomes thick and can’t be expelled.

Bile ducts become clogged, and bile can no longer reach the intestines to break down fat and metabolize them.

The First Warning Sign That Your Fat Loss Has Come To A Screeching Halt:

Weight gain is an early warning sign because bile produced by the liver is actually what breaks down fat, and once it's clogged, your body's natural ability to burn fat comes to a screeching halt.

At this point fat starts to accumulate for two reasons. First, because you’ve lost the ability to break it down, and second, your body starts storing additional fat to protect your internal organs from the toxins. 

👉🏽 This is what makes belly fat stubborn and hard to lose.

We know this because once the liver starts failing, there’s a period of rapid weight gain that accompanies it. 

Toxins then build up in the bloodstream, leading to fatigue, more fat accumulation in an attempt to protect your organs, dulled senses, joint pain and body aches.

This harmful cycle eventually results in you gaining weight and your entire body being overloaded with toxic chemicals that sap away your energy, and cloud your thinking.

Your body desperately tries to push the toxins out in any way possible, and you might notice embarrassing body odor, bad breath, itchy skin, rashes, redness, or rosacea.

Eventually The Liver Can No Longer Filter Out Your Body’s Toxins…

Once the liver’s function is impaired, it causes the bloodstream to become saturated with harmful chemicals from food, drugs, or the environment.

It also ceases to remove cholesterol and excess sugar from your blood, increasing the risk for both heart disease and diabetes.

It can also affect the chemical process of your thyroid gland, which regulates the hormones that increase or decrease your metabolism, amplifying weight gain even further.

At this point, you'll experience a loss in brain function and even brain shrinkage. People at this stage feel tired all day long, and lose interest in activities that they used to enjoy. 

It's really sad when this happens but fortunately, as you'll find out in a minute — the liver is the only organ that can regenerate itself.

Even Ozempic Won’t Work Once This Happens

On the other hand, if this condition is allowed to continue for too long, the liver may stop being able to perform even essential functions. It becomes a fatty, lumpy mass laden with scar tissue and lesions. 

This explains why Ozempic, Zepbound, and dieting sometimes stop working.

Interestingly, once the liver reaches this point, even coffee and energy drinks may no longer give you the boost they once did.

And because you’re no longer removing cholesterol from the bloodstream, researchers have discovered adults with fatty livers were a shocking 3.5 times more likely to have heart failure.

By the time it reaches this point, without a liver transplant, death is inevitable.

Finally, Some Good News…

👉🏽 The great news is… the liver is the only organ in the body that can completely regenerate itself. 

In fact, when they transplant livers, they will take a small portion of a donor's liver, put it in the patient, and in just a few months, both people will have a whole liver again.

Once the liver is fully rejuvenated, people are shocked at how quickly they regain their energy and mental clarity. Fat deposits start to dissolve overnight as their bile production is restored.

Now, what if you could do it naturally, without a liver transplant, or without dangerous weight loss drugs that do nothing but overburden the liver even more?

👉🏽 Better yet, what if you could do it using natural ingredients?

It could literally mean full body detoxification and rejuvenation for hundreds of thousands of people around the world who couldn’t afford to see me in person in my New York City practice.

Since the liver is crucial for gut health and is directly connected to the intestines, I thought the microbiome could be a short-cut mechanism to rapidly heal liver function, avoiding the usual treatments and their side effects.

Akkermansia: The Holy Grail of Liver and Metabolic Health

In my microbiome research, the same name kept coming up over and over again: a newly discovered superbiotic called Akkermansia.

It’s a naturally occurring part of most people’s gut flora, but due to environmental toxins, poor lifestyle habits, antibiotic use, and almost everything peddled by big pharma, it's critically low in many people.

Now, the first study that caught my attention showed that people with diabetes had lower levels of Akkermansia in their gut. Not surprisingly, this low Akkermansia was also connected with obesity.

In fact, several studies have proven that Akkermansia is found in much lower quantities in obese mammals - 3,300 times less to be exact.

The next eye-opening study was performed by Duke School of Medicine and was about cardiovascular disease. 

It revealed that people with heart disease were found to also have low levels of Akkermansia.

👉🏽 Finally, I found the holy grail of my crusade. It was a study specifically about liver degeneration and how Akkermansia reverses it in nearly every way, even by decreasing triglycerides.

“Why People Are Calling Akkermansia The World's First Next Generation Superbiotic…”

I soon realized Akkermansia was the superbiotic I’ve been searching for my entire career.

Unfortunately, Akkermansia strains are NOT created equal…

In fact, when I tried to source it for my patients, NONE of the commercially available options were produced and isolated in the most medically beneficial way.

You see… There are 3 different ways to produce and isolate Akkermansia, but only ONE of them provides the full spectrum of benefits of this groundbreaking superbiotic. 

I needed to go deeper. I needed to become the world's leading expert on Akkermansia. I needed to know each and every health benefit, I needed to know the best way to prepare it, and most importantly how to use it to maximize its rejuvenating effects on the body.

So I went into hard-core research mode like I hadn’t done since medical school… and stayed up late night after late night poring through every study I could find. 

Usually, scientific studies have really boring titles… But when you read the scientific studies about Akkermansia, they all look like glowing praise.  

Check it out…

Glowing Praise For Akkermansia From the Scientific and Medical Community

I was shocked this wasn't bigger news in the medical community.  But then again, most doctors are too overworked to keep up with the latest research and simply rely on what they learned in school decades ago.

Another groundbreaking study published in the peer reviewed journal "Nature Medicine" reported that Akkermansia given to obese patients with metabolic syndrome reduced body fat, improved insulin sensitivity and reduced cholesterol levels.

👉🏽 Furthermore, a 2023 study observed Akkermansia’s revolutionary ability to strengthen the gut lining, preventing toxins from leaking into the bloodstream, improving metabolic, cardiovascular and even neurological function.

That means no more leaky gut, no more toxins and undigested waste leaking into your bloodstream. This goes a long way to reduce brain fog, body odor, bad breath, skin irritations, and food intolerances.

Why Akkermansia Makes Other Probiotics Obsolete…

Akkermansia is a master probiotic. It consumes large proteins found in the intestines and turns them into short-chain fatty acids, which are then used to fuel other strains of beneficial bacteria. In other words, it makes other probiotics obsolete. 

The most eye opening study I came across found that Akkermansia secretes GLP-1, which boosts metabolism and reduces weight even when the animals are fed a high-fat diet! 

👉🏽 As you probably realize, GLP-1 massively reduces cravings. That’s why Akkermansia is genuinely nature's Ozempic—but without the nasty side effects.

Now remember, not all Akkermansia is created equal. In a minute, I'll reveal the exact process we use and why it produces the best clinical effects, but first, let me show you how a few special ingredients boost Akkermansia's health-rejuvenating properties even more.

Quercetin: Turning Off
Inflammation At The Genetic Level

First is Quercetin. A recent study showed that the synergistic combination of Akkermansia and Quercetin reverses obesity and fatty liver by improving the microbiome and increasing bile production.  

Again, it shows how Akkermansia is a master probiotic that restores the levels of other healthy probiotics - automatically. Furthermore, it demonstrated that combining Akkermansia with Quercetin was far more powerful than Akkermansia alone.

And this cannot be overstated: Quercetin is a long-lasting anti-inflammatory that literally turns off inflammation at the genetic level.

Quercetin is also a powerful liver protectant. Multiple studies have demonstrated that it prevents fatty liver and damage from alcohol. It also reduces liver scarring.

Resveratrol: A Powerful Fat Burner That Will Also ‘Heal Leaky Gut’

Next, I decided to add Resveratrol. 

Ever curious how the French indulge in rich, creamy cheeses yet maintain impressively low heart attack rates compared to the US and the UK? The answer lies in Resveratrol, a powerful component of red wine that also has amazing rejuvenation effects on the liver.

Research in the lab has shown that Resveratrol not only blocks the formation of new fat cells but also helps in melting excess fat and amplifies your body's fat-burning abilities. 

Resveratrol also pushes your liver to burn fat more efficiently through increased thermogenesis. It's as if it unlocks a secret fat-burning superpower you never knew existed.

Most importantly, Resveratrol plays a pivotal role in boosting bile production. Bile, our body's natural detox agent, ensures a smooth digestive process. It aids our liver in flushing out toxins and breaking down fats efficiently, keeping our digestive system, and by extension, our liver, in prime condition.

The best part is Resveratrol helps further repair leaky-gut by restoring the gut barrier, and tightening the junctions between intestinal cells to prevent unwanted toxins from leaking into your bloodstream. 

When combined with Akkermansia the way that we did, it’s like a one-two punch for repairing leaky gut.

Silymarin: The World’s Most
Powerful Non-Surgical Treatment
For Liver Damage

I also felt it was necessary to include Silymarin.  

This powerful polyphenol may enhance three available growth and healing factors including human growth factor (HGF), Transforming growth factor alpha(TGFα), and transforming growth factor beta 1(TGFβ1) to trigger liver regeneration, healing the liver from what might be a lifetime of abuse.

Silymarin is currently one of the world's most effective non-surgical treatments for reversing liver damage. 

It has shown positive effects in healing nearly every known form of liver damage including drug and alcohol abuse. 

Many medical studies have shown that liver damage from alcohol, drugs, pesticides, environmental toxins, some poisons, and hepatitis can be prevented or repaired with silymarin extract.

“A systematic review of 5 clinical trials involving 602 patients with ALD and liver cirrhosis showed a 57.8% reduction in liver-related deaths in patients taking silymarin compared to placebo.”

Akka synergistically combines the world's most well-researched and clinically proven liver-rejuvenating ingredients, meticulously chosen to detoxify the liver, clear out bile ducts, and eliminate excess fat.

Akka gives you "Total Liver Rejuvenation", even if you’ve struggled with a sluggish liver, fatigue, or stubborn belly fat for years.

Akka's 3-step liver-revitalizing process begins by cleansing your liver of toxins and excess fat that might be clogging your bile ducts.  Restoring the healthy flow of bile, which is crucial for digesting fats and detoxifying the body.

Then, Akka regenerates liver cells and begins repairing scar tissue, winding back the clock on liver degradation.

Lastly, Akka supports the restoration of your liver's natural ability to filter and detoxify the blood, removing harmful toxins and improving overall liver function. 

Michael Goodwin

Cheshire CT

verified customer

I was struggling with chronic fatigue and auto-immune problems. I was constantly breaking out in rashes and itching all over my body.  Akka gave me a 'clean body' feeling in just a few weeks and I couldn't be happier. Amazing focus and concentration. I feel 20 years younger.

Joan T. Tennessee

Atlanta GA

verified customer

Akka was a godsend. I had no idea why I couldn't lose weight. I tried everything including hard core diets, exercise programs, and fat burner pills (they made the problem worse). I had no idea that my liver was responsible. I tried Akka and felt the effects in days.  My mental clarity has also been amazing. Five stars.  

The Key To Full Body Detoxification

You’ll love the increase in energy and metabolism and the freedom from liver-related symptoms such as bloating, indigestion, constipation and annoying cravings. 

Additionally, the detoxification and fat reduction from your liver will contribute to more efficient fat burning, better digestion, better cellular energy, dissolving stubborn body fat, improving confidence and comfort in your own body.

And once your liver is fully rejuvenated, you’ll experience total body detoxification, a deep cleanse that revitalizes your entire system.

Finally you’ll experience incredible daytime energy, improved mental clarity, clockwork digestion, deeper more restorative sleep, a brighter optimistic mood, and clear healthy skin that radiates a youthful glow. 

Since its introduction, Akka has improved the lives of thousands of people like you worldwide, helping them achieve complete liver health, enjoy a flat tummy, vitality, and a renewed sense of hope.

Why Akka Is More Effective Than ANY Other Detox, Cleanse, Probiotic or Liver Support Formula

👉🏽 Remember, there are three different ways to produce and isolate Akkermansia. Let me explain the difference so you can see for yourself just how superior Akka is to anything else.

The first method, which might be the easiest and cheapest, is live Akkermansia. Get a culture, and let it grow.

Now, most people mistakenly assume that live Akkermansia is the best.

However, what they don’t realize is that live Akkermansia is far too harsh on the digestive system. In fact, several side effects are associated with live strains, including gut irritation, gas, bloating, and diarrhea. So, in good faith, I cannot recommend Akkermansia in its live form.

The second preparation is heat-destroyed. Of course, the problem with heat-destroyed Akkermansia is that the bacteria's structures are completely lost. 

It offers very little of the benefits we’ve discussed and is of no interest to any serious medical professional.

Stephanie Cox

Los Angeles, California

verified customer

My journey with Akka began during a particularly tough period in my life. I was constantly feeling sluggish and bloated, with my weight steadily increasing for reasons I couldn't understand. I had bouts of constipation, and my body just felt gross overall. I tried everything from diet changes to fitness regimes, but nothing seemed to help.

Akka changed everything for me. Not only did it help cleanse and rejuvenate my liver, but it also kick-started my weight loss and restored my energy levels. For the first time in years, I felt like my body was working with me, not against me.

The transformation was noticeable not just to me but to everyone around me. Colleagues and friends commented on how much happier and more energetic I seemed. I went from avoiding social gatherings to embracing them, thanks to the newfound confidence Akka gave me.

I believe Akka is something everyone should know about, especially those struggling with similar issues. It has not only improved my physical health but has also had a profound impact on my overall well-being and happiness. I've recommended it to everyone I care about.

Jerry Simmons

Atlanta GA

verified customer

Before discovering Akka, I struggled with fatigue and a constant sense of feeling unwell, which I later learned was due to my liver not functioning properly. For years, I just lived with it, thinking it was normal to feel tired when you're older.

I had tried various supplements and visited several specialists, but nothing provided a lasting solution. My energy levels were always low, and I noticed my sense of taste and smell just seemed 'off'. Food would taste bland on some days and other days just downright unpleasant.

I also noticed a ringing in my ears -- especially in the morning when I woke up.

Within just one week of starting Akka, I began to feel a significant difference. My energy levels improved, and I no longer felt that constant fatigue that had been dragging me down. My senses also came back to normal in just a few short weeks.

I was skeptical at first, as I had never been able to find something that truly worked, but Akka proved me wrong. Not only has my energy returned, but I've also started to lose some of the weight that seemed impossible to shed before.

Akka has truly been a game-changer for me. A solid 5-star experience.

How “Preserve Pasteurized” Akkermansia is The Only Choice For Healing Without Side Effects

And finally we have Preserve Pasteurized. Preserve Pasteurized keeps the delicate Akkers in a dormant state, fully intact and ready for your body to put into action.

This proprietary process increases the bio-availability of the Akkermansia to ensure you get the full liver rejuvenating, metabolism boosting benefits.

But trust me—the studies don't lie. Time and again, at least a dozen studies have proven that the pasteurized version is far superior in terms of health benefits.

A 2020 study first discovered this. ”Unexpectedly we discovered that pasteurization of Akkermansia enhanced its capacity to reduce fat mass development, insulin resistance, and cholesterol.”

Another study confirmed this finding: “We show that PASTEURIZED Akermansia exerts positive effects on different metabolic parameters such as body weight, fat mass, insulin, glycemia and glucose tolerance.”

Yet another study published in 2021 concluded, “Notably pasteurized Akkermansia had been more effective. Treatment with the pasteurized form more effectively upregulated tight junction [reducing leaky gut] and regulated immune response-related genes.

And it stated that all these effects were dominantly observed in the pasteurized form.

Our Preserve Pasteurized Akkermansia is more bio-absorbable and in a hibernating state, like gut-healing, liver-repairing soldiers suspended in time, just waiting for their chance to spring into action.

Preserve Pasteurized Akkermansia is FAR superior in almost every category for weight loss, cardiovascular protection, cholesterol elimination, and liver regeneration and detoxification.

Here’s What You Might Experience When You Claim Your Supply of Akka Today…

Akka surpasses any detox, cleanse, probiotic or liver support formula you’ve ever seen or heard of. It’s not just a product; it’s a catalyst for profound change in your health and well-being.

Your liver is central to your body’s detoxification, metabolism, fat loss and overall vitality, impacting everything from your brain function to your skin's appearance, heart health, and immune system.

👉🏽 With Akka, you’ll experience a remarkable transformation throughout your entire body.

Imagine waking each morning feeling refreshed and revitalized because your liver efficiently processes and eliminates toxins, and your body feels light and full of energy.

Dream of traveling to exciting new destinations, savoring every bite of exotic cuisine without fearing digestive distress or a sluggish, clogged liver holding back your metabolism. 

Elizabeth Meyers

Pensacola FL

verified customer

Living with constant fatigue and an ever-expanding midsection had become a nightmare. I was always exhausted, no matter how much I rested. Meals were a challenge because I would feel bloated and uncomfortable afterward, leading me to dread eating. 

I knew something was seriously wrong because my hands would itch after eating. Which was really weird.  My husband also noticed that my breath and body odor was getting worse, and I couldn't even tell.  I tried countless remedies and consulted with multiple doctors, but no one had any answers. 

Then, a life-changing recommendation came while I was at my lowest point during a family trip. My mother-in-law ...

...suggested I try Akka. Skeptical but desperate, I gave it a shot.

The effect was immediate, and dramatic.  My energy levels improved, and the bloating disappeared.  My previous issues with fatigue and discomfort after meals became a thing of the past. 

Plus, my skin cleared up and my hands no longer itch. My mood significantly improved, and I look forward to eating again -- the way it should be!

Akka has been a lifesaver for me, and I never leave home without it. I truly hope my story can help others who have faced similar struggles.

Experience The True Freedom of Living Without Liver Problems or Stubborn Belly Fat

Picture the joy and appreciation in your family's eyes as you enjoy your favorite activities all day long, no longer sidelined by fatigue or discomfort, fully present and making lasting memories.

Think of your friends’ surprise as they notice not just a slimmer waist, but a vibrant glow to your skin and eyes, a visible testament to your internal health transformation.

Your midsection feels firmer, boosting your confidence in your appearance ...

Your partner notices a renewed spark in your relationship as health issues no longer dampen your intimate moments.

You find yourself embracing life more fully, confidently wearing what you love, socializing more, and enjoying your favorite meals out, all because your energy is boundless and your mood is uplifted.

And as each day passes, life becomes even more fulfilling and vibrant...

Every day, I'm flooded with messages from people whose lives have been transformed by Akka. Their stories inspire me to share the wonders of this liver detoxification and rejuvenation solution with as many people as possible…

Daniel Hartman

Ann Arbor, Michigan

verified customer

I’m currently in my second month of taking a 2 capsule dose daily, and the effects are undeniable. As a 52 male with a family history of obesity and hypertension, I’ve experienced a 17-pound weight reduction, and my blood pressure has dropped from 149/105 to 127/74. The Diastolic drop was so pronounced, that I was able to taper off and even eliminate my prescription Beta-blocker.

And on a personal note, I’m feeling more energy through the day than I did in my 20’s.

Thanks, Dr. Sam. I’m already beginning to recommend Akka to all of my friends.

Terri Wilson

Macon, Georgia

verified customer

Akka changed my life. I just want to thank you Dr. Sam for giving me my health back. As a busy mom of 3, I’ve gotta admit I don’t have time to eat as healthy as I should. Usually grabbing fast food between running my 3 boys all over town.

And in my wild youth, I abused my liver with a decade of pretty heavy drinking, drugging and partying. So when I was diagnosed with a liver infection last year, it was a wake up call. And the antibiotics my doc prescribed really messed up my digestion.

Fortunately, my sister sent me your video explaining how Akka works, and I decided to give it a try. Not only have I lost over 25 lbs since starting, and can eat my favorite foods again. But I’ve now got more energy than my 3 year old son! I’ll never be able to thank you enough.

Here’s How To Get Free Shipping On Today’s Order…

When I meet a patient for the first time, all they seek is relief.

They desire a healthy, functioning liver. They wish to live without fatigue, sluggishness, or the discomfort that comes with liver toxicity.

They simply want to enjoy life without the burden of liver-related issues.

Like I said, they’re seeking immediate relief.

And it’s probably no surprise that run-of-the-mill liver support supplements are a massive industry.

Because, yes, they might offer quick fixes…

But they come with the risk of further issues and the cost of potentially severe side effects in both the short and long term.

That’s why I formulated Akka not only to offer immediate support but also to rejuvenate and detoxify your liver thoroughly.

👉🏽 It’s designed to promote liver health, support the elimination of toxins, and enhance overall vitality.

This process can take time, from a few weeks to several months, depending on your body and the extent of your liver’s needs.

So while I assure you that Akka can provide quick results, it’s crucial also to give your liver the support it needs to truly recover and thrive.

I’d hate for you to start enjoying the benefits of a revitalized liver, only to find yourself back at square one if you run out of Akka.

Because without continued support, your liver can quickly revert to its previous state, with all the associated challenges.

Dr. Gina Sam MD

Gastroenterologist Mount Sinai Hosptial, NYC Weill Medical College of Cornell University


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Never Worry About
Your Liver Health Again When You Claim Your 50% Savings TODAY…

That’s why I’ve created an unbeatable offer for long-term health and rejuvenation that’s simply a no-brainer…

To ensure that you continue on your path to liver health, allowing Akka to provide both immediate and lasting support…

To ensure you never have to worry about liver health concerns again.

👉🏽 That’s why when you choose our 6-bottle supply today, you’ll pay just $49 a bottle…

That’s 50% off the retail price, a total savings of $300, and I’ll even cover the shipping.

For a savings of $120 off today’s already discounted single-bottle price and a total of $300 off the regular retail price with free shipping included.

This way, you can access immediate liver rejuvenation and detoxification benefits within hours…

👉🏽 And you have lasting liver health and vitality to ensure you never have to return to dealing with the issues of a toxic liver.

And because you’ll have a full 6-month supply of Akka, you won’t have to worry about coming back here only to find we’re sold out, which has happened multiple times since we first launched Akka due to unexpected demand and supply chain challenges.

Liver Cleanse Protocol: An Essential Part Of The Akka System

Every order today receives our comprehensive guide, "Liver Cleanse Protocol: The Definitive Guide to Detoxifying and Revitalizing Your Liver".

This crucial element of the Akka Superbiotic system unveils simple yet powerful strategies for enhancing liver function, boosting metabolism, and increasing fat-burning potential.

Explore our “Liver Refresh” meal plan, featuring liver-supportive, delectable meals and simple-to-follow recipes that your entire family will enjoy.

Discover 7 gentle exercises that detoxify your liver more effectively (and safely) than conventional detox methods.

Dive into the secrets of my signature “Green Guardian” smoothie that naturally elevates your antioxidant levels, supports liver function, and helps reduce toxin load in your liver.

And not to be missed, my personal go-to, an incredibly calming 10-minute relaxation technique that significantly improves liver health by reducing stress on the liver, enhancing your mood, and boosting your productivity.

"Liver Cleanse Protocol" is typically available for $39.95 on our website but comes included with the LiverHealth system at no additional cost.

Enjoy The Skinny Liver Cookbook, Yours Free With Any Multipack Order

When you select a 3 or 6 multipack, you'll gain instant access to our transformative guide, the "Skinny Liver Cookbook: Delicious Recipes to Help Detoxify and Slim Your Liver".

This resource introduces simple, natural strategies to boost liver function and promote weight loss, requiring only minutes of the day.

Immerse yourself in our “Lean Liver” meal plan, which features a collection of liver-friendly, mouthwatering meals and easy-to-follow recipes that are sure to become family favorites.

Discover our Citrus-Poached Salmon recipe. In this recipe, omega-3-rich salmon meets the detoxifying powers of citrus, offering a delicious approach to reducing inflammation and aiding liver health.

Experience the flavors of Savory Turmeric Chicken, a dish that harnesses the anti-inflammatory benefits of turmeric in a savory, lean protein meal that supports liver wellness.

Try our Almond-Crusted Cod with Cauliflower Rice, where the almond adds texture and healthy fats, and the cauliflower rice offers a low-carb alternative that aids liver detoxification, keeping the meal light yet nourishing.

Normally valued at $39.95 on our website, the "Skinny Liver Cookbook" is included at no additional cost as part of the Akka system, offering you a comprehensive approach to liver health.

And to ensure absolutely nothing stands in your way from ordering today...

Your investment is 100% protected by our ironclad, 90-day transformation guarantee.

What this means is, whether you choose one bottle or six...

If you don’t feel an improvement in your liver function if you don’t notice a reduction in fatigue, sluggishness, or other symptoms related to liver toxicity...

If you don’t see the pounds melt off, or feel generally healthier and more vibrant...

Simply give us a call within the next 90 days, and we will refund every penny you paid today. No questions asked, no hassle, no hard feelings.

It’s that easy.

And this is undoubtedly an offer too good to pass up.


30-Day Supply (1 Bottle)


/ bottle





180-Day Supply (6 Bottles)


/ bottle








90-Day Supply (3 Bottles)


/ bottle






Frequently Asked Questions


Are there any side effects? Is it safe to take it long term?


Akka superbiotic, with our Preserve Pasteurized preparation, has had zero reported side effects, and is one of the most powerful health-boosting formulations to exist in the last 20 years (Read more)


How much weight can I lose with Akka Superbiotics?


Because the liver is the most critical organ in the body for eliminating fat and losing weight, Akka Superbiotics helps rejuvenate the liver, supercharging its ability to burn fat and detoxify your body. (Read more)


What happens if I lose weight too quickly?


Usually, it's bad to lose weight too quickly - but here’s how Akka Superbiotics changes that. (Read more)


What else can harm the liver? I suspect I have liver problems because of my difficulty with weight loss, but I don't drink alcohol and I don’t consume a lot of sugar.


Remember, your liver is your body’s central filtration system for toxins. It’s also responsible for clearing cholesterol and removing fats from the bloodstream (Read more)


What makes Akka superior to probiotics?


There’s three main points that make Akka superior to any probiotic out there. (Read more)


How many bottles should I order?


Due to high demand because of the dramatic results and word-of-mouth recommendations from happy Akka customers, most customers are choosing the 6-bottle package to avoid running out. (Read more)


How fast will I see results?


Really, it depends on the current state of your liver and how long you’ve been having problems. (Read more)


I'm not overweight but I'm dealing with fatigue, rosacea, itchy skin, dark puffy eyes, bloating, or bad breath.


Aside from breaking down the fats in your diet, the liver is primarily a detoxification organ. That means it helps filter out things in your blood that might be toxic, foreign, or even things that might be causing a reaction with different systems of your body. (Read more)


Will Akka help me with headaches, poor sleep, brain fog, poor focus, or motivation?


Absolutely. It does this through two different mechanisms. One is reducing the toxic load in your bloodstream that has accumulated from a liver that's not as healthy as it should be. (Read more)


I’m a bodybuilder and I take a ton of supplements and gear so I worry about my liver. Will this protect me?


As you probably realize, body-building supplements and other anabolic agents are known for being extremely harsh on the liver, causing a measurable rise in liver enzymes. (Read more)


What other symptoms are associated with an overburdened liver?


There’s many conditions caused by an overload of toxicity in the body.  Gaining weight is often the tip of the iceberg. (Read more)


Is Akka available anywhere else for a lower price?


We only sell Akka directly through this website and there’s two very important reasons why we do that. (Read more)


30-Day Supply (1 Bottle)


/ bottle





180-Day Supply (6 Bottles)


/ bottle








90-Day Supply (3 Bottles)


/ bottle






*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Use only as directed. The information provided herein is intended for your general knowledge only and is not intended to be, nor is it, medical advice or a substitute for medical advice. If you have or suspect you have, a specific medical condition or disease, please consult your healthcare provider.

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